Making business means designing a card…
When meeting potential business partners — even in times of linked-in, Xing, or facebook– the business card is the predominant way of how professionals exchange contact details. Correspondingly the internet is full of good advice on how to make your card especially memorable. And virtually all advice agrees: a business card is more memorable if it looks good!
But do you really want people to remember your choice of visual style?
Indeed, nice style elements (fonts, lines, logos,…) are a plus. However, it is crucial that your potential business partner remembers you with regard to what your product is! In the end you may want people to remember you in situations that are related to your product.
Here (see image) you see our team effort to convey our ‚product‘ to funding agencies through the back of a business card. Our product is to create little experiments, that are exiting, and may trigger curiosity about science. The card provides a way how to measure your distance to the Berlin Fernsehturm (sorry if you are not in Berlin).
… many exiting ways exist to pimp your business card. What about putting it on chocolate? … Previously we used the card for A-B testing via QR codes (as it is also used by ‚best buy‘).
Fortunately, the effort paid of and the card immediately opened up negotiations with a suitable partner.